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Basic Bobath Courses

Adult Neurological Conditions

Course Fee: £1600

How to apply

To apply for your chosen venue, please email to with the following:

  • Copy of your Curriculum Vitae (including CSP or BAOT number)

  • Copy of your Normal Movement Course certificate

  • Provide your HCPC Registration Number

Would you like to host an Basic Bobath course?

If interested please contact the BBTA office on

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"The course has allowed me to develop my neurophysiology knowledge but put it into practice to provide holistic treatment to patient by understanding how the human body move. The therapy handling that I have developed will also change my practice and the way I approach patient, and thinking about treating the problem I see instead of the condition. The course has also help me to expand my clinical reasoning which will help me to provide more holistic and efficient problem solving approach to my patients."

15/09/23​ - 24/01/24


Leatherhead Court, Woodlands Rd, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 0BN

Module 1: 15th - 19th & 22nd - 26th September 2023
Module 2: Independent case project
Module 3: 19th - 23rd January 2024

Helen Lindfield & Sue Armstrong

BBTA Tutor:

Course Organiser:

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